Sound, collected, collaged, found, manipulated and sampled forms the basis of my video work soundtracks. I approach the collaging and layering of sound in much the same way as I approach the collaging and layering of static and moving visual images. The layering, seriality, producing, reproducing and repeatability creates strong links and correspondences to the practice of printmaking
While most of these works are composed for video works they also work in isolation as sound pieces in their own right.
Bridge 2015
Made for the Wharepuke Sculpture Trail the sounds in Bridge were recorded under a different bridge in a different place at a different time layered with street sounds from market day in my home town of St.Albans, UK.

The St.Albans bridge carries the railway over the London Road and I still remember the slightly nervous thrill of walking under it when a train went over and cars swept by. Time fixed, or recorded, in a specific place, reproduced then re-presented stirs these memories and correspondences.
Forty Four Sounds
Forty Four Sounds is a text based, sound collage, film work. The text was arrived at through a random selection of previously chosen words and phrases. The soundtrack was then composed from samples of forty four found sounds. There are 44 frames/prints and the video lasts for 4 minutes and 44 seconds.
The work and its process references Dada poetry and sound and the chance compositions of John Cage.
The work can be realised in a number of formats, as an installation of 44 digitally printed magnetic text panels and video or as separate elements, prints, video or sound.
Kissing Gates
Soundtrack from the video work Kissing Gates. Collaged from field recordings in the UK of Kissing Gates in Dedham Vale, (Constable Country), on the Essex/Suffolk border.