A series of small abstracted ‘still lives’ these images begin as photographs of everyday objects which are then layered and manipulated in Photoshop.
‘One of the principal genres (subject types) of Western art – essentially, the subject matter of a still life painting or sculpture is anything that does not move or is dead’
The Tate Gallery, London – http://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/s/still-life
While referencing this art historical genre I also see Still Lives (particularly with its alternative reading) in a similar way to the other series of work. Objects carry an essence of place. The images are layered, multiples of the same objects or groups of objects observed in a place and time to form a memento or to spark other remembrances.

Still Lives I – VIII – 2019 – inkjet pigment prints – 100 x 100 mm
Place and image act as catalyst for remembering other things and places and images: things, events, the buried artefacts of one’s own life Paul Auster, “The Book of Memories”. Faber and Faber, 1982.